
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

微信搜索:纽约新青年 回复【笔记】即可观看节目视频。 新浪微博:@Ryan美语 @Alex美语 咨询课程微信:babylaoshi3 1 You never win an argument, because you always start crying before you get to make your point. 2 And you always look in sincere when you cry about other people’s problems. 3 Because seeing someone else crying is guaranteed to make you cry. 4 But seeing someone else really happy can make you cry too. 5 People being nice to you when you’re crying just makes it worse. 6 And hugging you when you’re weeping just sets you off even more. 周一至周五,每天早上6点更新!       不见不散!