
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

微信搜索:纽约新青年 回复【笔记】即可观看节目视频。 新浪微博:@Ryan美语 @Alex美语 咨询课程微信:babylaoshi3 1.And your hair suddenly having a mind of its own. 2.Your favourite makeup melting in your purse. 3.Dealing with very complicated bras and bra straps in order to wear cute, summery clothes. 4.And then having those same summery clothes give you tan lines like this. 5.Wearing a nice, cool summer dress but having your thighs chafe. 6.So wearing shorts, but then having to constantly keep pulling them down. 周一至周五,每天早上6点更新!               不见不散!