【口语天天练】Where was I ?

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

祝大家520快乐~ 关注微信公众号“爱英语”获取文字内容和英文故事机 我刚刚说到哪儿了?哦,对,我刚刚正说到放假去哪儿。 Where was I? Right! I was talking about where to spend our holiday.  我刚刚说到哪儿了?我刚说道我们应该另外想一个解决办法。 Where was I? I was saying we should think of another solution.  我们刚刚讲到哪儿了?哦,刚说到出去吃饭。 Where were we? Oh, we were just talking about eating out.