10 bestu / Blaine McConnell is preparing for the OLYMPICS S4 E8

Asgeir Olafsson Lie - Podcast - Un pódcast de Podcast Stúdíó Akureyrar


Blaine spends most of his time at the Gym training others and himself. He is preparing for THE OLYMPICS in February. He owns two Gyms and is married to Björk Ódinsdóttir from Akureyri Iceland and together they have one daughter, Ronja. He lives there now and at first he thought it was a bit small but now he thrives there well running his Gyms. We talked a lot about his profession as a TEAM USA bobsledder preparing for the Olympics, his training carrier, how he trains and what he thinks is important to get your goals. Also in between chatting, we played his top 10 favorite songs. Push play and listen to a guy who has a lot of knowledge in the exercise world with a background in Soccer, American football and Cross fit. Also... I think Blaine is a very likeble guy.   Á milli þess að reka tvær líkamsræktarstöðvar, æfir hann að kappi fyrir vetrarólympíuleikana í Peking 2022. Hann er giftur Björk Öðins og saman eiga þau eina dóttir, Ronju . Við töluðum mikið um undirbúninginn fyrir stærsta sviðið, og fórum i gegnum ferilinn hans í fótbolta, amerískum fótbolta og crossfit. Við fórum í gegnum æfingaferlið hans og hvað þarf til að komast á þetta risastóra svið eftir aðeins 3 ár sem bobsleðamaður. Einnig, eins og alltaf, þá spiluðum við hans 10 uppáhaldslög. Misstu ekki af þessum þætti. Þessi mikli nagli er ljúfur sem lamb.