Memories on the wall.

A Cup Of English - Un pódcast de Anna


Do you have photos around your house? Perhaps photos of family and friends? I have been in some people's houses where there are photos in every room. The fridge, in the kitchen, is a place where a lot of people place photos of loved ones or fond memories. I have had our family photos in a huge box for quite a few years. The project of sorting through them, putting some in chronological albums, and others in frames, has been a project that I have avoided for all this time. Am I lazy? I don't think so. It's just a really big job that requires a lot of time and concentration. I want to do the job right, after all. So, the other day, after buying some frames that were on sale, I decided to at least start the project. The photos I selected to put in the frames are our most recent family and individual photos. We had a professional photographer come to our house in the Autumn (Fall). It was the first time that we had hired anyone to take semi-formal pictures of us. It happened to be the perfect time of year, because the light in the Autumn really adds color and depth to a picture, plus the leaves had changed color and fallen on the ground, creating a pretty background. I love how these photos turned out. They are casual, and show each person's character. She did such a good job. A few days ago, I cleaned up the frames, and divided up the pictures. There were twelve photos and three frames, each with four holes. A perfect match! Every frame would have one of each of the children. I placed the photos carefully in each frame, put sticky tape on the back to secure them, closed up the back of the frames, and then decided where to hang them. Should I put them in the entryway next to the mirror, or on the stair wall? Should I put them all together, or separate them? Decisions, decisions. I ended up putting two on one wall, and one a little further up the stair case. I've had positive comments about them already, and I am quite satisfied with what I have done. Grammar notes. Related vocabulary and expressions: chronological, to avoid, after all, (it) happens to .... 1. The video of the man's life was not in chronological order, so it was a bit confusing.                                                              2. I would avoid that part of the city, if I were you.3. Sit down and relax. You have been working hard all day, after all.4. It happens to be my mother's birthday. OR She happens to be my best friend. OR They happen to be our relatives. Click the link to rate my podcast if you like. Thanks! // //

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