Paw Prints on the sand.

A Cup Of English - Un pódcast de Anna


There are few things as relaxing as walking on a beach. I don't think many people would argue with that. And when I say "beach", it could mean either next to the ocean, a lake, or a river. I  walked on a beach on a little island that juts out from the shore in one of the parks we have here in Wenatchee. The Riverfront park follows the Columbia river for eleven miles, then crosses a bridge and continues on the otherside for another eleven. So, it is basically a long park that was built right next to the river. As such, there are many beaches of different sizes, some accessible and sandy, others less accessible and muddy. A dog walkers favorite in this park is this long, thin peninsula of sand that runs parallel to the river. The breeds of dogs that love to swim and fetch sticks and balls from the river, have made this their own special spot. I'm not sure what the name of the beach is, but I do know that a few special creatures enjoy what it has to offer. There are certain dogs that live for water. Even in the winter, their owners will take them to this peninsula, and the dogs jump with excitement and cannot wait until their masters throw the ball or the stick into the water. They run as fast as they can and jump into the water to fetch whatever was thrown. It's amazing and impressive. I wouldn't dream of swimming in the Columbia in this season. Believe it or not, once recently, when I was walking in the park, I saw a group of four ladies meet up on that same beach, remove their outer clothes, (they had swimming suits underneath), put their swimming caps on, and wade out into the water. They swam up river and didn't act horrified by the cold at all. Very strange creatures I think. It certainly is a special spot. Being next to any body of water is, I think, very relaxing, even if it is in the middle of winter. Opposite the peninsula are a few little muddy bays where small, bent trees grow down to the water's edge. Ducks live here all year round. There must be enough shelter and food there to support them. They take advantage of the sunny days by warming themselves on the sand where there is no snow, until, that is, the dogs chase them away. Those enthusiastic swimming dogs love to chase their fellow swimmers, especially the ducks. The wings win though, don't they? Somehow the dogs don't remember that, and whenever they see ducks, they try again to chase them. There are thousands of paw prints on the sand of this little peninsula, and each is a little testament to a happy dog, doing what he loves to do most.

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