S15 E13 - Encountering Emmanuel: Week Three
Abiding Together - Un pódcast de Heather Khym, Michelle Benzinger, Sister Miriam James Heidland - Lunes

In this week's episode, we continue with “Week Three” in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We meditate on the vulnerability of Jesus as a baby and how He comes as one who is little so we can know that we are loved in our littleness. We also reflect on what it looks like to have hope, how to love with an open heart, and the deeper meaning of incense. Jesus’ heart is an open place of refuge where we find the comfort and relief we so desperately need this Advent season. Heather’s One Things - The upcoming women’s conference at Franciscan June 6-8 (registration opens January 29, 2025) Sponsored by Abiding Together and Deacon Bob Rice’s new Scriptural Rosary Cards Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Restore the Glory Podcast episodes on redemptive suffering (Carrie Archual) (Part 1) (Part 2) Michelle’s One Things - This mug from Deacon Bob Rice, Trader Joe's winter peonies, and The Portal of the Mystery of Hope by Charles Peguy Other Resources Mentioned: Encountering Emmanuel Resources Resources The Hidden Meaning of Incense w/ Fr. Boniface Hicks Journal Questions: What does abundant life look like in my life at this time? How can I lean into Hope today? When did I become so serious? How can I allow the Lord to transform my woundedness into a sweet fragrance for the Lord? Discussion Questions: How do you conflate abundant life with perfection? Where are you holding onto hopelessness? How can you live more openly even in the midst of pain? How can you embrace more play in your life? Quote to Ponder: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves) Scripture for Lectio: “I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to them and fed them.” (Hosea 11:4) Sponsor - Catholic Women & Couples NFP: Catholic Women & Couples NFP (CWCNFP) is a lay Catholic organization that is pleased to offer 100% free Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Classes to any Catholic woman or couple 18 years of age and older. Their ministry exists to aid Catholics in pursuing lives in full harmony with Church teaching. By learning a fertility awareness method, Catholic women can be more in tune with their hormones, understand their fertility patterns, and plan their family in accordance with Church teaching. It is estimated that only 20% of Catholics have ever attempted a NFP method. CWCNFP’s ministry exists to change that statistic. They believe all Catholic women and couples should learn a fertility awareness method, no matter their vocation or state in life. With online classes, they work with your busy schedule and offer classes in both Spanish and English. Many NFP courses can cost up to $300, but CWCNFP’s classes are ALWAYS free. They specifically teach the Billings Ovulation Method ®, which is very similar to the Creighton Method. However, they know that the Billings Method might not be for everyone, so if a client would like to learn a different NFP method they have a special partnership with MyCatholicDoctor that allows them to learn any method of their choosing as long as they have qualifying insurance. With qualifying insurance, this NFP instruction through MyCatholicDoctor would be covered. In addition, teens or non-Catholics who do not qualify for CWCNFP’s free NFP program will be able to find fertility awareness courses through MyCatholicDoctor, in which CWCNFP will assist with setting up. To learn more and to sign up for free classes, visit their website www.ccnfp.org or follow them on Instagram @cwcnfp Timestamps: 00:00 - Catholic Women and Couples NFP 01:30 - Intro 02:22 - Welcome 04:20 - Vulnerability and Hope 08:12 - Loving with an Open Heart 11:41 - Incense 16:06 - The Language of Play 22:22 - Thoughts for the Third Week of Advent 24:37 - One Things