564: Reflecting on 2024 – Lessons Learned, Wins Celebrated, and Improvements
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod - Un pódcast de Hal Elrod - Miercoles

As each year comes to a close, many people will take some time to look back and reflect. And for a lot of us, we end up feeling that we didn’t accomplish as much as we wanted. That’s how every year would end for me, looking back with a glass half empty with all the missed goals, where I fell short, or where life got in the way. Sound familiar? Today’s episode kicks off a special four-part Miracle Year Series, in which I share my strategies and tools for reflecting on 2024 and creating a vision for 2025. This will all lead up to the Miracle Year Live Event on January 8th, when we’ll bring everything together. Today, I’ll walk you through four simple steps to help you recognize your progress this year and celebrate your wins, no matter how small they seem. Because when you take the time to reflect, you gain clarity about what’s working, what you’ve learned, and what you’re capable of. And that clarity is the foundation for creating an incredible 2025. KEY TAKEAWAYS Moving forward starts with understanding where you’ve been Progress isn’t linear, ups and downs are to be expected Celebrate every small victory because they matter Every experience, good or bad, is an asset if you choose to learn from it Falling short of a goal isn’t failure. It’s feedback. Gratitude reveals the abundance you already have Get The Full Show Notes To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit MiracleMorning.com/564 Subscribe, Rate & Review I would love if you could subscribe to the podcast and leave an honest rating & review. This will encourage other people to listen and allow us to grow as a community. The bigger we get as a community, the bigger the impact we can have on the world. To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes. Connect with Hal Elrod Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC