Dad Pod 2!
Adopter Stories by Adoption Now - Un pódcast de Adoption Now

Back in March of 2023 we released an episode of this podcast simply entitled Dad Pod. The name came from one of the adoptive dads who took part in the round table discussion, in which we handed over the mic to 4 adoptive dads who talked openly about their experiences of adopting and going through the adoption process. The aim of Dad Pod was to be less a recruitment tool and more of a support tool for adoptive dads; allowing them to be able to talk and open up about their experiences amongst like minded people. Since release Dad Pod has become one of our most ‘listened to’ episodes, being heard, not just in our local authority areas but up and down the country, even being cited in a Prospective Adopters Report by an adoption agency in the south of England, in which they talked about how useful the adopters found this episode as part of their own adoption journey. The content of the discussions and being able to talk freely meant that the guests and listeners alike felt they got so much from the episode. So, more than a year on we felt it was high time we brought together more adoptive dads for the sequel, Dad Pod 2! For this episode we have Connor, Aaron, Gio and Gary. Four adoptive dads who show us that while no adoption is the same, there are times when everyone has the same feelings, has the same thoughts and to know that you aren’t alone in this journey. During the conversation the dads touch on mental health, their identities, the impact that adoption can have on your relationship, the importance of peer mentors and more. Welcome to Dad Pod 2!