We Can't Keep Outsourcing Our Kids' Education
As For Me And My House - Un pódcast de Jordan & Milena Ciciotti
How can we expect our children to have a biblical worldview and know their identity according to God's word when they're so influenced by the world? Why is it so weird that parents want to actually have a say in the education of their children? Christian parents are often told we're "indoctrinating" our kids, yet as we continue our "world vs. word" series, in this epsiode we explore the idea that it's *all* indoctrination. Public school, home school, higher education, etc. all have an agenda and an end goal in mind. For us, our goal is simple- to follow the example given in the Scriptures and teach our children the word of God.We created an app! New stories are uploaded every week.Bible Stories for Kids (Apple): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-stories-for-kids/id6451037832Bible Stories for Kids (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bibleforkidsstories