173 days, 100 feet: The Death of Valerie Tindall - "The Best of Body Bags"
Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan - Un pódcast de CrimeOnline and iHeartPodcasts

A family moves to the country to get away from the crime of the big city only to find that evil exists in small towns and big cities alike. A 17-year-old girl develops a close bond to a harmless older neighbor, but the harmless old man is really a wolf in sheep's clothing and when the 17-year-old goes missing the neighbor helps look as hard as anyone. As long as nobody comes to his house to look too close. For 173 days the girl is missing, her heartbroken parents don't realize she is only 100 feet away from their front door. Buried in a homemade box, just for her. Joseph Scott Morgan breaks down the case of the teen girl hidden away in a homemade coffin and how difficult it will be to get the evidence to determine what really caused her death. Dave Mack joins in on the search for facts, and Valerie Tindall. Transcript 00:01:02 Discussion of 173 days without knowing location of your child 00:02:26 Valerie Tindall, 17, and missing 00:03:29 Mother said Patrick Scott acted like jealous boyfriend 00:04:21 Discussion of age difference 00:06:55 Valerie Tindall is missing 00:10:00 Talk about Forensic Anthropology 00:11:28 Disturbed areas of soil in backyard 00:12:30 17-year-old girl bonds with 59-year-old man, odd 00:13:22 What does FBI mean to a case 00:14:32 The neighbor Valerie has “bond” with charged with lying to police 00:16:03 Discussion of providing false hope to lure out suspect 00:17:24 Investigators wonder if someone is helping her stay gone 00:18:29 Victim has been missing since June 00:22:24 Bright Orange fingernail polish Valerie Tindall was wearing 00:23:29 Taking down a structure, burning, why? 00:27:17 Talk about the VHS tapes found in box 00:29:11 Discussion of murder weapon, a belt 00:30:56 Suspect claims he is the victim? 00:32:29 Discussion about condition of the body 00:33:39 Why did the suspect dig holes in his property? 00:35:17 Talk about the story from the suspect does not make sense 00:36:35 Some evidence might have been lost See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.