CMSM | Infinite Worlds of Worry

Cascais Meditation & Spiritual Musings | ILC Podcast

PLEASE NOTE, the below text is an unedited automatic transcript of the session. There are undoubtedly an enormous amount of grammatical and format errors. Welcome to Cascais meditation and spiritual musings. The title for this week is infinite worlds of worry and opportunity to explore the adorable innocence of the mind’s determination to find something to worry about. And so we’ll have an opportunity to explore that and bring a good amount of compassion to the minds and insanity and overall just relax. We’ll start with a 10 or 15 minute guided meditation. And from there we will share some insight and wisdom. So let’s just relax. START OF MEDITATION This meditation is going to extend an invitation to let go of worry and as we rest here in this space, we’re going to acknowledge the most simple of things. we’re going to invite ourselves into presence. and the doorway to such a relaxation is to acknowledge the movement of the mind and yet also acknowledged what’s actually happening. And in this we can come on to what’s real we can honor the breath that breathe in every moment you notice the mind wander. It’s simply an opportunity to come back to this moment. A gentle acknowledgement of, Oh yeah, here I am. we can make contact with a sincerity within ourselves that can ask, is there anything to worry about right now? yeah, sure. The mind can imagine many things tomorrow. the mind can try and bring yesterday into today but yet in looking at what’s real maybe we can recognize that right now there’s no need Tori and so even if it is just for this moment we can gift ourselves a space that is free of worry. We can finally breathe. please see that this was a gift that you give to yourself. permission to be present. permission to be still permission to not know let’s recognize that this moment needs nothing everything that this might need is already given. Even the breath needs nothing as the breath is already given In order for you to be here right now, nothing is needed in this. We can recognize the alignness of what you are, the truth of, what you are as abundantly taken care of right now. And of course this has been the truth your entire life, the realness of what you are taking care of. And we can see very clearly that that arrest in this moment right now where you are is whole. It’s complete, not missing anything. to such degree we can look back on our lives and see that there was never anything to worry about. you’ve always been taken care of in order for you to be here right now, you have gotten everything you needed. this invites us to connect with a trust the trust in that which has provided a trust in that which has carried you through a trust in life itself. and as an energy of worry might look into the future, we can recognize that this worry simply projects limitation, afraid that something might go wrong. and in this moment we can acknowledge the truth of the matter and that is if there’s worry, we’re just scared. in the most adorable way. We are scared that life might stop being a miracle. That is super cute. notice the adorable quality of this worry, a worry that imagined you might be separate from life and in this space we can extend a love, a kindness, compassion for that fear the fear that imagined yourself to be separate, that imagines yourself to be disconnected from this miracle and we can see throughout our whole lives it’s always been an innocent misunderstanding. Ultimately to find out there is nothing to worry about until we can relax which is not to push away worry, but the whole space for it. Knowing that it’s just a misunderstanding about what’s real you can see that if we push away the worry, we’re simply worried about or worry no need to fear the fear we can