#137: "The Big D: Dos and Don'ts of Fraud and Divorce" with Jamie Lima
Cash Daddies With Sam Tripoli, Howie Dewey and Johnny Woodard - Un pódcast de Johnny Woodard - Martes

The guys are joined this week by wealth management expert and business owner Jamie Lima to discuss wise decision making, divorce, and fraud. Jamie's links: https://www.instagram.com/jamiemlima/ https://woodsonwm.com/ https://allegiantds.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamielima/ Copy James at www.copymycrypto.com/sam! Head over to tradearies.com/cashdaddies for the big $100 promotion! Visit https://www.patreon.com/cashdaddies to subscribe to the Cash Daddies Patreon. Cash Daddies on social media: https://lnk.bio/d1sj/ Check out Sam's dates: https://samtripoli.com/events/