Episode 25 – An Average Human Mother


After a two-week break for the holidays (during which we posted a podcast blooper reel on Crunchyroll and released the Crunchyroll Holiday Special), Victoria and Evan are back in the office to talk about the upcoming anime they're excited about, the state of anime convention attendance going into 2016, and the 1980s time capsule that is Fight! Iczer One, and Gundam Thunderbolt.

Show Notes

You can find more episode of Crunchycast on Crunchyroll, YouTubeiTunesStitcher Radio, and our Libsyn page.

The Crunchycast is hosted by Victoria Holden and Evan Minto and edited by Bill Zoeker. If you have any questions for our hosts, you can reach us at [email protected], or on Twitter at @SailorBee and @VamptVo respectively.

The opening and ending music in Crunchycast are produced by Noah Hafford, who can be found at his SoundCloud.