How to Stop Worrying | DD 62
Dear Daughters - Un pódcast de Susie Davis
If you love God, but don’t feel like you can trust Him, I understand. For so many years, I struggled with worry over whether God was really looking out for me. When bad or hard things happened, it made me feel anxious and worried. Like what happened in the news just this week ... the Santa Fe school shooting. Lord, have mercy. That shooting took place forty years to the day that I witnessed a murder in my own classroom as a middle school student. I understand the long road to healing a lot of those students will be walking down – the same one that many of you are probably walking down from your own personal traumas and fears. If you love God, but don’t feel like you can trust Him, you need to know that God has only grace for you. And He wants to give you peace. Jesus said, My peace I give to you. Today’s podcast is about discovering ways to reject worry and receive peace. It’s about finding a practical way to practice peace and walk in it. SHOW NOTES When you start ‘should-ing’ yourself, you’re shaming your heart ~ DD Episode 61 ‘Are You Listening to Your Heart?’ Mary Oliver’s ‘daily presentations’ and her poem, Mindful. Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver My book, Unafraid: Trusting God in an Unsafe World The Unafraid Book Club To Go The Christianity Today Article, School Shooting Survivor: How I Stopped Being Afraid Faith pleases God ~> Hebrews 11.6 Thanks to Davis Music for use of her song Fifty Seven. Find my daily updates on Instagram. Keep up weekly by signing up for my newsletter. SUBSCRIBE IN ITUNES