Examining Sin and the Downfall of David

Deeper Christian Podcast - Un pódcast de NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) - Jueves

Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 108 In our modern culture, we take sin extremely lightly. "It's no big deal!" we proclaim! "It was just one time!" But Biblically, sin isn't something to trifle with, rather it is something that must be exposed and rooted from our lives. Using the life of King David, looking specifically at his downfall into sin (recorded in 2 Samuel 11), this episode exposes the danger of sin and how quickly it is to cover it up (only leading to a greater tragedy and more sin). David's life is a great picture of a man of God who (even if it was only once) decided to live out of his flesh and his own perspective and do whatever he wanted to do. And David's life is a reminder that we must not harden our hearts to God's conviction in our lives, but rather turn in repentance toward the only One who can forgive sins and bring forth life. Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/108/

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