Stop Playing with Shadows of Sin
Deeper Christian Podcast - Un pódcast de NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) - Jueves

Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 131 Looking around modern Christianity, it appears more and more believers are engrossed with darkness or are allowing shadows of sin to invade their hearts. Yet Scripture makes it clear that while we may be in the world, we are not to be of the world. If you've ever found yourself in a room while the sun is setting, you've probably noticed that our eyes adjust to the dimming light and soon find ourselves sitting in shadows. Without intentionally realizing it, we've found ourselves in the dark. So too, our soul can allow shadows of sin (or full out darkness of perverseness) and we can easily justify why its there, for the downward slope was gradual and marked by small decisions of compromise. But God has freed us from the domain of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son – the One Who is light itself! In this episode, we examine this concept and are exhorted to not allow any shadows of darkness within our lives but rather to freshly allow the Spirit of God to examine and convict any area so we can walk in the light and behave differently than the world. Yes, we are in the world, but the world is not to be within us. Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: