DE212 “Flyin” How Does It Feel To Have Wind Under Your Wings?

Podcasting Your Global Career - Un pódcast de James Kevin O'Connor - Viernes


Quotes from James in this episode:

“The feeling of euphoria and emancipation in your own personal life, whatever that is, it could be the end of a relationship, a situation, and/or it could be the beginning of something brand new, they are usually wrapped in the same package. As one ends, a new journey begins.”

“Facing the unknown, not knowing exactly where I am going and when, and just letting God lead me to where he wants me next. I find this very exciting in some ways. You do however need to have tremendous faith in him and you must trust, and allow yourself to be led”…

Maps and Geography:

Maps were always so fascinating to me, as a kid I loved maps and they were always so intriguing to me, I just loved them and loved seeing the different things on maps, where you are, where you live, what is surrounding you, is it mountains, lakes, streams, forests? Or is it all a concrete jungle?

I have met people who have no concept of maps, and I must immediately pull out a map and show them how it works, how you can put the mapping image in their brain and use it to give them a better perspective on where they are. Perhaps no one bothered to ever teach them about maps?

NYC is a perfect example of how to use mapping to your advantage, everything is laid out in a grid North, South, East, and West. It’s a perfect place to practice your mapping abilities, all the avenues run North and South, and all the streets run East and West.

We all have different abilities when it comes to learning. None of us receive interpret and disseminate information the same way, therefore no two people have the same capacity to ingest and apply knowledge the same way, we are all wired completely different!

While you are discovering your new hobby of studying maps and Geography, don’t forget to investigate the Geography of Your Soul!

Emancipation, Homelessness, the New Chapter, and President Lincoln:

I spent the last year with my Mom, who was elderly and very sick, she had dementia and she passed away a few weeks ago. I had moved into her house a year ago, so I am now homeless! However, it feels like emancipation, let me explain. I know that she made it into heaven, so that is certainly something to celebrate. I have been feeling emancipated in some ways as a certain chapter of my life has now concluded, and I am looking at a fresh virgin canvas. Facing the unknown, not knowing exactly where I am going and when, and just letting God lead me to where he wants me next. I find this very exciting in some ways. You do however need to have tremendous faith in him and you must trust, and allow yourself to be led…

Lincoln had a mountain to climb to get the Emancipation Proclamation passed, it was a political quagmire that he had to navigate using all of his brilliant legal skills, his creativity, his humor, wit, passion, and sense of humor to get this bill passed. There were four border states that could have swung towards the South had things not aligned properly, that may have changed the course of the war, and we might have had two countries today instead of one!

Lincoln knew that slavery was morally wrong and he could not in good conscience allow this to continue under his administration. The feeling of euphoria and emancipation in your own personal life, whatever that is, it could be the end of a relationship, a situation, and/or it could be the beginning of something brand new, they are usually wrapped in the same package. As one ends, a new journey begins.

What about Drugs, and Your Relationship with Drugs?

No, I am not talking about social, recreational and illegal drugs. I am talking about the ones that you are wired to enjoy anytime you choose. Dopamine, Serotonin, Adrenalin, Oxytocin, they are all within our ability to enjoy whenever we decide to manufacture them. Like the roller coaster ride, you climb aboard and you receive that flood of endorphins, that start kicking in and you say to yourself wow where did that come from? We tend to forget about this experience, and you can receive this benefit with all kinds of different activities if you choose to, and I think you should choose to. Because there is nothing like feeling good.

Eustress, and what is it?:

We have stress in our life, but we also have eustress, (the good stress)
We all experience stress at some point. Whether it’s daily chronic stress or occasional bumps in the road, stress can sneak up on us at any time. What you may not know about stress is that it’s not all bad. In fact, we can experience eustress, or positive stress, just as frequently as we do negative stress.
If the idea of positive stress is new to you, you’re not alone. Most of us equate all stress with negative experiences.
Clinical psychiatrist Dr. Michael Genovese says we rarely think of stress as a positive thing, but eustress is just that — positive stress. “Exciting or stressful events cause a chemical response in the body,” he explained.
Eustress is usually a product of nerves, which can be brought on when faced with a fun challenge. Genovese says this is important because, without eustress, our well-being can suffer. “Eustress helps us stay motivated, work toward goals, and feel good about life,” he added.

This is very cool as it goes back to what I stated previously, I want the dopamine, the serotonin, adrenalin, and the oxytocin then are the things that keep you young and healthy. When you are a teenager you never think twice about jumping on the fastest, highest Ferris wheel, or the meanest roller coaster, but as you get older you start to taper off and say “Nah, you know what, I’m reading the paper, or I’m going for coffee, you forget that you can still take your shirt off and just start running or jump on a bike and take a ride. So we have got to remind ourselves that these things are really really good for us, so that’s why I’m saying about the drugs, ‘that’s the stuff that I want” I want the natural drugs, I want the Eustress!


I have met a lot of travelers through the dHarmic Evolution, and what a gift, all of these fabulous ladies and gentlemen who travel the world with their art, with their talents, with their abilities, and I have learned so much through them, and traveling is such a wonderful thing and some people are just never acclimated to it or perhaps they are a little afraid of it, I think, especially having a relationship with someone and you can’t travel alone in some instances, so you are always together. I think there is something missed when that happens, because when you strip away all the crutches, and you do it all on your own, you learn one fundamental thing, and that is, you can make up your own fun as you go, and its very cool to just be able to be so aloof, and to be so free, and to be able to say, I’m ready to move on, I’m going to go do something else today.


I was traveling in Mexico a few years back and was staying at this nice all-inclusive Hotel packages that allowed you to stay at any one of 10 or 12 Hotels that were all very nice places. So I am at what is now the Hard Rock Hotel on the Riviera Mya, south of Cancun and it’s Saturday night around 11:00 PM, I am sitting by myself at the bar and I have been noticing that it is mostly families with their kids here. So I ask the bartender about another hotel, we look at a map together, I ask him to call me a cab, and I went up to my room, packed in about 4 minutes, came down jumped into a cab, and I was checked into a new hotel in less than an hour, different vibe, different experience, just will it, and it can be done! Traveling, I can’t recommend it enough, its just killer, it is awesome!


Flyin is one of the most magnificent things you can do to accomplish all of the things I described earlier with the eustress, getting that dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin, endorphins and whatever other cool chemicals your brain can create. The natural drugs that are locked up in your brain just waiting for you to insert the key and say “go baby go”!

How about commercial airlines, some people are afraid to fly, and for those of you who hate take offs, do this, put on some kick-ass music, put on the most killer thing that just rocks your world, strap on your headphones, put your seat back, but your head back, and don’t resist that feeling of take off, do the opposite, embrace that feeling as your rushing down the runway to the sound of music that lights you up. It’s one of my favorite thing’s, I just love to take off’s. You can apply the same strategy on landing, just get into the music, relax and enjoy the experience. I tried this in real time with someone I was traveling with a long time ago, and it worked like a charm for her. She was all freaked out about both take-offs and landing, but the music and the strategy worked well for her. If the music is not the buzz for you, take the persons hand you are sitting next to, and say a prayer with them.

Hang gliding:

I did this in Saint Croix off the back of a boat, what a rush, what a great time, I was feeling all of the chemicals! I want to do a free launch off the top of a mountain, that’s on the “next” list.


This is kind of an ultimate rush, 12,000’ and then reaching 120 miles an hour, like a peregrine falcon having so much fun! No spinning and whirlies for me! I told the lead guy who I jumped with not to do that, as it made me a bit sick, but that aside the jump was a rush!

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