Ep 72 - Companion Arrivals: Beckoned, Bumbled, Barged-In

Doctor Who: Verity! - Un pódcast de The Verities


...Or as Deb so aptly put it on the Verity! spreadsheet: "Hey you! What are you doing in my TARDIS?" Join Erika, Deb, Liz, and Lynne as we talk about how the companions end up with the Doctor in the first place. There are lots of different ways and reasons folks end up aboard the TARDIS. Some do it on purpose, some are complete accidents. Some seem to have fallen out of favor in the new series, and we wish they'd make a comeback!

What kinds of companion arrivals are your favorite? Let us know in the comments!


Also covered [links on our site]:

  • Erika
    • congratulates The Memory Cheats on completing their entire run of classic Doctor Who stories!
    • appreciates that Two-minute Time Lord is back to doing throwback reviews!
  • Liz
    • is proud of the launch of Companion Piece: Women Celebrate the Humans, Aliens and Tin Dogs of Doctor Who!
    • ...and squees mightily to see Sophie Aldred (Ace herself!) holding the book!
  • Lynne
    • celebrates #10YearsofNewWho!
    • ...especially the pics published by the official Doctor Who Twitter account!
  • Deb
    • enjoyed putting together our April Fools' Day episode!
    • basked in the glow of the fan community's 10th anniversary happiness!

Bonus links [also on our site]:
Erika's essay about Nyssa
Everyone's Just So So Special by Rob Shearman
David Tennant says Rose was the Doctor's girlfriend
Watsonian vs Doylist

Huge thanks to all our April Fools' Day participants:

  • Steven Schapansky
  • Chris Burgess
  • Michael Damian Thomas
  • Paul Cornell

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