Extra! - Joyful Jo

Doctor Who: Verity! - Un pódcast de The Verities


It's another Verity! interview! Deb and Erika do a brief intro for Deb's on-stage interview with Katy Manning from LI Who! Katy is even more delightful in person than Jo is on screen. And that's saying something. Hear about...

  • The time Katy asked Jon Pertwee "What would we do if we didn't have any arms?"
  • Katy's fashion advice: "If you're going to wear a mini-skirt, you must get matching knickers."
  • General observations on life: "That's kind of what life is you know. You're a mom, you're making a lampshade, but also you're writing a really filthy rap song."
  • And this: "I've got a collector's mouth." (Yes, she explains this, but you'll have to listen to hear what she means.)


Related links [on our site]:
Verity!'s Jo Grant ep
Not a Well Woman

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