Verity! Episode 49 - Into the Deep Breath

Doctor Who: Verity! - Un pódcast de The Verities


It's finally here! New episodes of Doctor Who are rolling out at long last. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we try to remember how to talk about new episodes of our favorite show. Who am I kidding, we not only talk about it, we talk about it a LOT. But hey, what did you expect? New series! New Doctor! We just couldn't help ourselves! And surprise! We don't agree! Who loves Clara's reaction to the Doctor's regeneration? Who doesn't? Listen and see!

And let us know what you think about the new Doctor and his introductory story! We're curious to see if our listeners are as divided as we are!


Also covered [links on our site]:

  • Tansy
    • travels to WorldCon and saw Liz in person!
    • and really really loves her new 8th Doctor t-shirt from redscharlach!
  • Erika enjoys watching Peter Davison host The Ultimate Time Lord!
  • Kat moonlights with another fandom and attends her first Supernatural convention!
  • Deb
    • experiences Deep Breath in the theater!
    • and is thrilled to see Valentina Visintin (prosthetic technician) on the Doctor Who Extra for Deep Breath!

Bonus links [also on our site]:
Our brand-spanking new Patreon page!
Otters that look like Benedict Cumberbatch by Red Scharlach
Doctor Who Cast & Crew - "500 Miles"

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