Verity! Episode 63 - Tetchy Antagonistic Rascally Devious Intractable Spaceship

Doctor Who: Verity! - Un pódcast de The Verities


The year is almost over, but there's still time to finish out our year of villains in style! Join Deb, Erika, Lynne, and Tansy as we talk about the times when the TARDIS has crossed over to the dark side--or seemed to. Or at least acted a little tetchy. Okay, so we realize "villain" is a bit of a strong word, but there were certainly times the TARDIS was antagonistic. And we cover a lot of examples! Here's a list of (I think) all the stories we talk about in this ep:

  • The Edge of Destruction
  • The Daleks' Master Plan
  • The Mind Robber
  • Logopolis
  • Castrovalva
  • Frontios
  • The TV Movie
  • Boom Town
  • The Lodger
  • The Doctor's Wife
  • Let's Kill Hitler
  • Hide
  • Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
  • Big Finish:
    • The Settling
    • Zagreus

What other examples can you think of? Let us know in the comments. And let us know what you think of the TARDIS as a "baddie"!


Also covered [links on our site]:

  • Tansy revels in a glut of Doctor Who Christmas ornaments, including a (missing) TARDIS!
  • Erika
    • enjoyed the heck out of Chicago TARDIS!
    • wishful-thinks Phil Ford might be the next Doctor Who showrunner!
  • Lynne has action figures:
    • a Mechanoid (which doesn't light cigarettes)!
    • a "Silver Nemesis"-Ace WITH THE PORTRAIT!
  • Deb
    • gives big kudos to Doctor Who: Legacy for including characters from the comics in their advent calendar!
    • excitedly awaits Doctor Who novel re-releases, including Paul Cornell's Human Nature!

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