142. Rose's Journey To Creating Her Business, Equine Bonding & Bodywork
Equestrian Perspective - Un pódcast de Felicity Davies

As Rose was approaching her 60th lap around the sun, she felt drawn to embark on a completely new career path with horses. In this episode, she talks about her inspiring journey to bring her business to life. She shares about: What led her to embark on this new career Navigating all of the fear-based thoughts that pop up in your head The impact of support and foundational business knowledge to help her get out of her head and take the steps she felt called to take Creating an offering that blends together different modalities to support both horses and their people Releasing the attachment to being a Teacher and opening up space to just be her Finding balance in her life Deciding what she wanted to do and taking her power back Victim mentality Posting a video on social media for the first time Overcoming obstacles and so much more. To connect with Rose you can find her at https://equinebondingandbodywork.com/ To listen to her other episode on the podcast. click here - https://equestrianperspective.libsyn.com/120-how-rose-went-from-lacking-confidence-to-diving-into-bodywork-starting-a-new-business-just-before-she-turns-60 To connect with me, check out: https://www.felicitydavies.com.au https://www.instagram.com/felicitydavies_/ https://www.facebook.com/felicitydavieshorsemanship