Trailer - Equestrian Perspective
Equestrian Perspective - Un pódcast de Felicity Davies

Here’s a snippet at what you’ll learn from me in this episode: Who I am, why I’m launching a podcast, and why you’re going to loveee it. What to expect from the show (think...lots of light bulb moments!) What this podcast ISN’T Who to expect on the show Show Notes All things horses: Expect horse training tips, shifts in perspectives, and step-by-step trainings Also be prepared for me to go on tangents, be clear and direct, simplify horse training - and reveal why the industry NEEDS an overhaul I’m a very practical and logical Virgo, manifesting generator in HD and I actually used to think spirituality was weird but now.. I kinda like it! I’m all for anything that helps you embody your true authentic self and I loveee seeing people shine and follow their dreams! My mission is to educate people on the what, why and how behind horse training so they can empathise with their horses and help pivot the industry away from outdated dominance based methods. I believe anyone can train any horse with the right knowledge - and no it doesn't have to be hard! I know how it feels to suck at groundwork, not understand horsemanship and often hopeless and scared around my horses because I’ve been there. We’ll talk about groundwork, desensitising, forming a relationship where your horse wants to participate (and loves it) and confidence building hacks for all. Tune in for straight to the point lessons and get your pen and paper ready….you’re going to want to take notes!