Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience (2024-08-14): Through the Summer 2024 - Interview with Rosa Linn (Armenia 2022) and WRS (Romania 2022), Eurovision Summer Party and more
Eurovision Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience - Un pódcast de Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience
Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast from Malta's Radio 105FM on Tuesday evenings from 2100 - 0059 hours CET. The show is also broadcast on SWITCH Radio Europe in the United Kingdom live on Wednesday evenings from 1900 - 2300 hours CET as well as on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International with an interactive chatroom. AT A GLANCE - ON THE SHOW THIS WEEK Joint Interview with Rosa Linn (Armenia 2022) and WRS (Romania 2022) done at Het Grote Eurovisie Songfestival Feest 2023, Amsterdam Radio International Eurovision Summer Party (Part 1 of 2) Eurovision Spotlight: Eurovision's Magical Numbers with Alasdair Rendall Eurovision News with Nick van Lith from Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann Eurovision Cover Spot with David Mann Eurovision Calendar with Javier Leal New Music Releases by Eurovision Artists Your music requests WRS (Romania 2022) with Rosa Linn (Armenia 2022) and JP Interview with Rosa Linn (Armenia 2022) and WRS (Romania 2022): This week's interview is not only with one but with two Eurovision acts that were on the stage of the Eurovision Song Contest representing their countries. The year was 2022 when Eurovision was staged in Torino in Italy and Rosa Linn represented Armenia with the song "Snap" coming 22nd and WRS alias Andrei Ursu represented Romania coming 18th with the song "Llamame". Both artists appeared at Het Grote Eurovisie Songfestivalfeest 2023 in Amsterdam last December. Radio International had the pleasure to meet both artists for an update interview you can hear on this week's edition of Radio International. Eurovision Spotlight - Eurovision's Magical Numbers: The brand new series with the new summer feature continues this week as the Radio International Colleagues will introduce something completely new that has never been on Radio International - Eurovision's Magical Numbers as Alasdair Rendall will continue the series.The Radio International Eurovision Summer Party: Let's celebrate the Hot Summer of 2024 with the Hottest Eurovision Party Songs as compiled by Rafi from Venezuela. This week there is Part 1 and next week enjoy Part 2 in the nonstop half hour or so of Eurovision Dance Tunes on Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience. Also JP will be joined by David Mann for the Eurovision Birthday File and Eurovision Coverspot. Nick will be presenting the Eurovision News courtesy of There will be a lot of the great new releases of Eurovision artists on the show as well as great Eurovision Classics. Javier will be updating us on the upcoming Eurovision events in the Eurovision Calendar and and and.... Find out more details of how to tune in live - click here For full details of this week's Show Content and Play List - click here