How to Wholesale Real Estate Free Training [LIVE SHOW Flippinar #102]

Flip Man's Real Estate Tips - Un pódcast de Ty Taylor


Here's your opportunity to get your wholesaling real estate and investing questions answered LIVE and on the replay of this video in the comments section.Some of the questions by viewers of this weeks Flippinar:+ I have a Warehouse under contract 17000 sqft. .95 acre on condemned list. seller wants 60k worth 1,000,000+ There was a company that would pay up to $300/mo to drive a wrapped car. They paid based on how many miles you drove to/from work. Have you ever paid someone to wrap their car?+ When wholesaling a lease option, does the seller continue to pay the mortgage until you find a tenant?+ Whats a good website or app to use, to send seller a contract?+ ​I’m about to put a home under contract it is probate case, the seller doesn’t have money for the probate attorney my questions is should I pay for the attorney fees or should the end buyer pay the fees+ How many bandit signs should I be putting out per week?+ How do you find people to put out your signs?+ Just wanted to know how would you go about wholesaling a property that has a mortgage on it? Is it the same process, or is there a different approach to take? + Can you do it at the age of 17?+ Facebook Question: Do you follow up with sellers when the price doesn't work? When and how often should I follow up?+ Can you use a title co. in Ga for closing or do you have to use an attorney? Or both?+ Can the earnest money deposit come from the buyer or must it come from me?+ Which skip trace companies have you all found to be most effective, leader expensive as well as what services are most important? I’m finding some offer services I’m not sure I even need.+ ​Should the very first step be getting your list of buyers? And what is the best way to getting buyers?+ ​Is earnest money always part of the equation?+ Flip Man in one of your video you mention you have not found a way to perfect marketing on face my question is what is the problem you are having with facebook+ What is a double closing?+ Should I wholesale alone or should I do it with a partner?+ Should I wait until my wholesaling business is at least making $100,000 before forming a LLC?+ How can I get started today?

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