How to Wholesale Real Estate With No Money - Ask Flip Man You Live Show 116 [Flippinar]

Flip Man's Real Estate Tips - Un pódcast de Ty Taylor


Here's your opportunity to get your wholesaling real estate and investing questions answered LIVE and on the replay of this video in the comments section.Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter @askflipmanFind and Flip Deals Faster with https://Dealulator.comHere are some of the real estate investment questions for this weeks show:+ ​How long does it take a cash buyer to respond back with an offer after receiving all the details pics & info on the property?+ What kind of contact and paperwork needed for mobile homes? I want to see what I need to close this deal+ Quick question, is it legal for a Canadian citizen to wholesale in the states without a work visa or any documentation ?+ Ms. Williams, does your finding service approve loans to LLS’s that’s trying to build business credit, but currently does not have any credit due to being a new investor/company?+ What were your top 3 lead generation or marketing strategies when you first started out? How did those evolve as you learned more and matured in the market?+ What do you think about using Landglide and Deal machine apps?+ ​Is advertising "We Buy Houses" on Craigslist an effective way to generate leads?+ Are there any restrictions on wholesaling in Ohio?+ Is doing a deal with a realtor a good Idea for your 1st deal+ ​How do a build my cold calling list besides tax delinquent properties+ ​I just got a house under contract today but the house is bordered up the owner told me to enter an take the bords down. is it a good idea or make him do it.+ A wholesaler called me thinking I’m a cash buyer, how do I approach this?+ Why the realtor passing that on to you. Where I am at you have to compete with realtor s as everyone has access to cash or LOC#wholesaling #realestate #flipmanBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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