How to Wholesale Real Estate With No Money - Ask Flip Man You Live Show 118 [Flippinar]

Flip Man's Real Estate Tips - Un pódcast de Ty Taylor


Here's your opportunity to get your wholesaling real estate and investing questions answered LIVE and on the replay of this video in the comments section.Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter @askflipmanFind and Flip Deals Faster with https://Dealulator.comHere are some of the real estate investment questions for this weeks show:+ ​I'm wholesaling 4 separate properties that are a package deal from the seller. Do I need to create 4 separate pans s contracts for each property or can I put all 4 of them on the same contract???+ ​As a realtor. How can i do Wholesaling?+ What type of bandit signs do you recommend? More Professional or More "Tacky"?+ Can we wholesale houses with a mortgage on it? Because my attorney told me I can’t assign bank owned properties? do we just refer it to our listing agent ? & does the property have to be free & clear?+ WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO RETRIEVE A MOTIVATED SELLER TELEPHONE NUMBER+ Hi Ty, I asked this earlier this week - what form of payment do you give to the seller (check, cash) for earnest money?+ Do you feel pursuing properties with code violations are viable prospects and if so how do I get a list of them?+ What do you have to do (if anything) to wholesale houses in another state?+ I have heard that In Ohio, u cant "Flip a Contract" you have to own free and clear to market. Have u heard of any difficulties wholesaling in Ohio? Tap this link to download a free copy of my 1 page contract I’ve used since to 2003.Follow me on Instagram @askflipmanLinkedIn: Page: private Facebook Group: a supporter of this podcast:

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