Wholesaling Houses and Real Estate Investing - Ask Flip Man You Live Show 110 [Flippinar]
Flip Man's Real Estate Tips - Un pódcast de Ty Taylor

Here's your opportunity to get your wholesaling real estate and investing questions answered LIVE and on the replay of this video in the comments section.++ Hello do you use voicemail drop as part of your marketing and whats the best way to find buyers++ What are the biggest pitfalls of going for tax delinquent not TAX Liens owners++ How do you think the wholesale business will be affected with Zillow, Redfin, etc now buying houses++ How do u find an inspector for an estimate for repairs when wholesaling?++ If we tell the seller that we the REI is buying their house then how we explain the cash buyer ... for wholesaling?++ Do storm damaged homes( hurricane) have to be completely repaired before giving the owner an offer++ What is the process like in obtaining a title company to work with, should this be done before or after securing a deal?++ You mentioned driving for dollars. I have done that a bit for fun. Once I stop a place and get the address, do I follow that up with a mailing? Leave a note in their box? Trac down thur number n call? Tap this link https://Dealulator.com to download a free copy of my 1 page contract I’ve used since to 2003.Follow me on Instagram https://instagram.com/askflipmanTwitter: https://twitter.com/AskFlipManTicTok @askflipmanLinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/theflipman/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/flipman.netJoin private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wholesalingrealestateBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/flip-man-s-real-estate-tips--2863720/support.