Wholesaling Houses and Real Estate Investing - Ask Flip Man You Live Show 111 [Flippinar]

Flip Man's Real Estate Tips - Un pódcast de Ty Taylor


Here's your opportunity to get your wholesaling real estate and investing questions answered LIVE and on the replay of this video in the comments section.Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter @askflipmanFind and Flip Deals Faster with https://Dealulator.comHere are some of the real estate investment questions for this weeks show:++ ​What happens if the people still owe on the house does that mean they can’t do a wholesale deal?++ If you don’t have a marketing plan should you knock on doors++ Flip man. Can I use your purchasing agreement contract in Florida?++ Ty I have a list of homes that are vacant amd look distressed but when skiptracing I'm having trouble finding phone numbers that are still in service is there a way I can jv with you on these?++ What’s the process of wholesaling from home if you have no vehicle?++ This is my fist time watching your show. I'm in the Atlanta area and looking to learn more about wholesaling and flipping homes. Do you know anyone in the Atlanta area I can link up with?++ I got started last year by watching your videos and downloading your contract. But my hometown only has a population of 20,000. I am thinking of moving to a larger market. Is Atlanta a good market?++ Reneukeia!! Does being a authorized user effective getting approved for your programs++ What do I need and how should I work with a motivated seller and an Investor friendly Realtor?++ I have a motivated seller in Charlotte whose house is scheduled for auction. They want to sell their home, but stay in it. What are my options?++ Is there an economical way to find contact information for over 300 leads without having to Pay for REI Skip trace? I have leads that I'm calling one a time++ How do you handle a seller who signed a contract with you but then changed their mind and went with a realtor/another wholesaler?++ Hello I’m in Louisville Kentucky and I’m having trouble with ARV and COMPS is their any other system that can help with ARV’S and COMPS??Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/flip-man-s-real-estate-tips--2863720/support.

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