E29: The Taco Bell Strangler Part 1
Fruitloops: Serial Killers of Color - Un pódcast de EvergreenPodcasts

In Season 2 episode 13 Beth and Wendy Discuss Henry Louis Wallace, AKA the Taco Bell Strangler. We got into the weeds on this one so it will be a 2 parter. In Part 1 we discuss this American serial killer who killed 11 women in North and South Carolina. Many serial killers target strangers, victims to whom they have no link or relation whatsoever. Henry Louis Wallace was not that kind of serial killer. Wallace preyed on people that he knew: his co-workers and acquaintances. We get into the time, early 90s and the place Charlotte North Carolina. We talk about the emergence of crack cocaine and its effects on poor black communities. Beth and Wendy talk about how Wallace's mother was a strict disciplinarian. She would punish Wallace with a switch and during Culture Corner with Beth and Wendy we explain what that means. We get into Wallace's early life and crimes which began as burglaries, which then escalated to rape and ultimately murder. Wallace a clean cut young man who was very charming.Our listeners were dope enough to chime in on the #hownottogetshmurdered and #hownottogetmurdered and gave us some fire ass tips which we shared on the show. Our news this week came from Amanda in our Facebook Group about the 2 queer black men who were found at LGBTQ political activist, Ed Buck's home. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ed-buck-deaths-investigation-explainer-20190108-story.htmlThanks for listening! This is a weekly podcast and new episodes drop every Thursday, so until next time... look alive guys, it's crazy out there!Where to find us:Our Facebook page is Fruitloopspod and our discussion group is Fruitloopspod Discussion on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/fruitloopspod/We are also on Twitter and Instagram @fruitloopspodPlease send any questions or comments to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at 602-935-6294. We just might read your email or play your voicemail on the show!Want to Support the show?You can support the show by rating and reviewing Fruitloops on iTunes, or anywhere else that you get your podcasts from. We would love it if you gave us 5 stars!You can make a donation on the Cash Apphttps://cash.me/$fruitloopspodOr become a monthly Patron through our Podbean Patron pagehttps://patron.podbean.com/fruitloopspodFootnotes & MoreMusicAbyss by Alasen: ●https://soundcloud.com/alasen ●https://twitter.com/icemantrap ●https://instagram.com/icemanbass/●https://soundcloud.com/therealfrozenguyRobbero by Bilderbergin http://ccmixter.org/files/Robbero/53179Halloween (Remix) by Steve Combs http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Steve_Combs/Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.comLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Connect with us on:Twitter @FruitLoopsPodInstagram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices