E89: Huang Yong

Fruitloops: Serial Killers of Color - Un pódcast de EvergreenPodcasts

This week Beth and Wendy discuss Huang Yong, a Chinese serial killer, convicted of murdering 17 teenage boys (although he is suspected of 25 murders) between September 2001-03. We begin with listener letters (5:19). We dive into the setting (11:06) the killers early life, and the timeline.   As usual we close out the show with some shout outs, crime news, and of course, some tips on how not to get murdered.   Thanks for listening! This is a weekly podcast and new episodes drop every Thursday, so until next time... look alive guys, it's crazy out there! Where to find us: Our Facebook page is Fruitloopspod and our discussion group is Fruitloopspod Discussion on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/fruitloopspod/ We are also on Twitter and Instagram @fruitloopspod Please send any questions or comments to fruitloopspod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 602-935-6294. We just might read your email or play your voicemail on the show! Want to Support the show? You can support the show by rating and reviewing Fruitloops on iTunes, or anywhere else that you get your podcasts from. We would love it if you gave us 5 stars! You can make a donation on the Cash App https://cash.me/$fruitloopspod Or become a monthly Patron through our Podbean Patron page https://patron.podbean.com/fruitloopspod Articles/Websites Wikipedia contributors. (04/26/2020). Huang Yong (murderer). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07/21/2020 from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Huang_Yong_(murderer)&oldid=953283975 Lifedaily. (n.d.). Police Partly to Blame After Innocent Boys Fall Prey to Disturbed Serial Offender. Retrieved 07/22/2020 from https://www.lifedaily.com/story/police-blame-innocent-boys-serial-offender/ Taylor, John. (11/17/2003). Suspected serial killer in China arrested. ABC - PM. Retrieved 07/22/2020 from http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2003/s991104.htm CNN. (12/09/2003). Execution for China serial killer. Retrieved 07/21/2020 from http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east/12/09/china.killer.reut/ Murderpedia. (n.d.). Huang Yong. Retrieved 07/21/2020 from https://murderpedia.org/male.Y/y/yong-huang.htm Practice Source. (n.d.). China Has Its Serial Killers Too. Retrieved 07/21/2020 from https://practicesource.com/china-has-its-serial-killers-too/ R.A. Brewster. (12/15/2018). Human Monsters: Huang Yong, China’s Street Assassin. Retrieved 07/22/2020 from https://rabrewster.com/2018/12/15/human-monsters-huang-yong-chinas-street-assassin/ China Daily. (12/09/2003). Killer of 17 to be executed. Retrieved 07/23/2020 from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-12/09/content_288794.htm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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