Dr. Rob Williams: The Age of Geoengineering & How Its Primary Objectives are Military

Geopolitics & Empire - Un pódcast de Geopolitics & Empire

*This was a special edition of Geopolitics & Empire made possible by The People's Reset, consider donating to The People's Reset as a thank you: https://thegreaterreset.org/donate Dr. Rob Williams of Our Geoengineering Age discusses weather modification and how its function is primarily part of the military domain.  *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone https://abovephone.com/?above=geopolitics easyDNS (use code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) https://easydns.com Escape The Technocracy course (15% discount using link) https://escapethetechnocracy.com/geopolitics PassVult https://passvult.com Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics Websites Linktree https://linktr.ee/oga33 Substack https://www.ourgeoengineeringage.org X https://x.com/ogateam_geo YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@OurGeoengineeringAge Rumble https://rumble.com/user/OURGEOENGINEERINGAGE Dr. Rob Williams https://www.doctorrobwilliams.com About Dr. Rob Williams A lifetime lover of the outdoors, Dr. Rob Williams earned his BA in environmental history from Princeton University (1985) and his MA (1995) and PhD (2000) in environmental history from the University of New Mexico. Along with Ian Baldwin, he is the co-founder of the print journal Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence and now Vermont Independent, an online decentralist news journal devoted to championing political resistance and greater resilience for our Green Mountain communities. Long a watcher of the skies, Williams first became aware of geoengineering after reading and editing Ian Baldwin’s initial essay on the subject in 2016, and beginning his own systematic observations of the sky, as well as investigations into the clandestine military history of geoengineering as part of his work in researching “Our Geoengineering Age.” In addition to writing and editing hundreds of feature stories at Vermont Commons/Independent since 2005 and publishing wide variety of book chapters on new digital media and communications, Williams has published four books – Most Likely To Secede (Vermont Independence Press, 2012), Media Education For A Digital Generation (Routledge, 2016), The Post (Truth) World: Fighting Fake News With A 21st Century Propaganda Model For Our Digital Age (Vermont Independence Press, 2019), and Media Mojo: Comm-On Power Tools and Strategic Storytelling Strategies For Our Digital Age (Vermont Independence Press, 2020). He is currently researching a book about the history of yaks.  *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

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