MINDFUL MINISODE: Why Telling Your Story Matters Part 2: Elevating Your Mission Through Video
Get A Helmet - Un pódcast de Get A Helmet

I remember the moment I got the call to go to film school. I was happily enrolled at NC State, majoring in Communication. Doing the college thing. One day, I was walking through the brickyard past the Chick Fil-A and it hit me. I have always been a storyteller and if I'm going to go through 4 years of schooling, I might as well be doing something that lights me up, right? Ever since I was 10 years old, I had a camera in my hand. Making “music videos”, fake news broadcasts with my sister as the news anchor (lolllll), short films, filming christmas morning, literally anything I could think of I was shooting it. Communicating a visual message has always fascinated me. Film is a portal to human connection. I want to capture every single memory. I want to steep my being in experience and never forget it. That day at college, I called my Dad to tell him I wanted to go to SCAD and study film. He said “cool, let's go check it out.”. Cut to: Dad and I sitting in a tea room in Savannah, GA. Those 4 years at SCAD shaped me. Learning the ins and out of filmmaking invoked a sense of belonging I had not yet felt in my life. As a filmmaker + storyteller, I feel the power of video in my bones. Today on the podcast, I chat about “Elevating Your Mission Through Video” as Part 2 of Why Telling Your Story Matters. I take you behind the scenes of the Brand Documentary process + explain how you can use video to connect deeper to your brand voice, yourself and your people. So, what’s your story? --------------- Mentioned in this episode: In This Body Documentary The Pleasure Center Brand Documentary --------------- Interested in creating a brand documentary? Head to getahelmet.co/studio to book a Free Connection Call to discuss sharing your story through video. IG: getahelmetstudio --------------- The Circle is a private community of women on their healing journey who are actively stepping out of fear and into their worth. As a member of the Get A Helmet Circle you get access to a Netflix-esque library of practices like meditations, visualizations, breath work, somatic movement and embodiment. We meet once a month for a live Full Moon Dance Ritual and twice a month for live group empowerment sessions. Want to be a Founding Member? Join here.