Hack & Grow Rich Episode 105: Amazon Account Suspensions Fast Reinstatement
Business Story Of The Week - Un pódcast de Shaahin Cheyene
Hack & Grow Rich Episode 105: Amazon Account Suspensions Fast Reinstatement Hack and Grow Rich Episode 105: Amazon Account Suspensions Fast Reinstatement Have you had your Amazon Account Suspended? In this episode serial entrepreneur Shaahin Cheyene and Bart Baggett discuss what to do when your Amazon account gets suspended, how to get reinstated quickly, and how you can develop a mindset of resilience while still being fiercely defiant in the face of adversity. If you are playing in the Amazon seller game, if you are an e-commerce seller, if you are selling something or conducting business on one of these top five platforms, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, if you're marketing on those platforms, what happens when you expect one thing, and then the next day you will be getting something else? What life does not always meet your expectations? And sometimes it's quite the opposite. So Bart, you know, in the Amazon business, we talk a lot about what you do when your Amazon account gets suspended? And how do you deal with that? Because there are millions of people all over the world who put so much love and so much work and so much effort into building Amazon businesses. And then one day, all of a sudden, it's gone. And their account is suspended. So let's back up a little bit. And I actually wanted to talk to you about something today, Bart, and I don't think you're going to like this, but yeah, you know, unfortunately, account? Yeah, unfortunately, Bart, I can't be your friend anymore. And, you know, I have to tell you, you violated our terms of friendship. And unfortunately, we can't be friends anymore. I didn't even know we had terms of friendship. Was that like on a secret page somewhere? I don't remember that handshake. So that's a really good question. Unfortunately, because you violated our terms of friendship, I can no longer talk to you. And if you continue to talk to me, I will have to cancel this call. But I need to talk to you about why as canceled, there must have been some mistake like can I just call you and talk about diva customer service? I am sorry, sir, please refer to our terms of friendship. And if you continue this conversation, I will have to cancel the call and cancel the conversation. I put seven years into this friendship. You can't just like not tell me why you're breaking up. I am sorry. Our terms of service are very clear. And unfortunately, all our findings are final. So of course, Bart, I am joking. But that is exactly how it works in web 3.0. So at the beginning of the internet, these things wouldn't happen much. It was the Wild West. And then we had web 2.0, where the platform started to realize that they need some form of regulation. Otherwise, they're going to be liable for all their patrons, consumers, whatever you call it, subscribers, evil deeds, so they started to clamp down. Now, web 3.0 is something that we discovered sometimes I think around 2010, which was shocking, particularly on the Amazon platform. Now, as we're sitting here, I have a LinkedIn account that's been banned, and it was the most hilarious message that they sent us. Dear Sir, your account has been canceled. For violation of Terms of Service and mind you the LinkedIn Terms of Service, I don't know if anybody reads the terms of service. But there are hundreds of pages long and illegal leads. I don't think you know, but when you open up a Facebook account, LinkedIn, who reads the terms of service. So somewhere in those hundreds of pages, there's something that you have violated. Now it's exactly like the conversation that we just had. Where they will send you a message saying, you know, they have soft suspension. So Amazon does the same thing. They're soft suspensions where they say your account has been canceled. If you feel this was an error, please reach out to customer service, they don't give you a phone number, there's nobody to call, there is no email, and you have to figure out how to get a hold of them. Grab a copy if both of Bart’s latest books, totally free gift to listeners. Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy https://getbartsbook.com/free The Magic Question. How to Get What You Want in Half The Time. https://getbartsbook.com Get in touch: http://bartbaggett.com Want to learn more about dishonesty in handwriting? https://www.handwritinguniversity.com/products/dishonesty/#enroll Instagram @bartbaggett Facebook/bartbagett Links, audio podcast, and more https://www.shaahincheyenne.com/hack-and-grow-rich-podcast https://www.facebook.com/S.Cheyene/ https://twitter.com/shaahincheyene https://www.instagram.com/shaahincheyene/ Amazon Course, Best Amazon Course, Amazon Coaching, Free Amazon Course, Amazon FBA Course, Ecommerce, C,ourse, How To Sell On Amazon, Amazon Vs. eBay, Amazon Seller Course Reviews, Amazon Guru, Amazon Teacher, amazon course, learn amazon, amazon FBA, learn to sell on amazon, selling, people, business, Bart, book, account, work, companies, amazon seller, shaahin, letter, sandbox, friends, grow rich, suspension, platform, cancel, talk, sudden #Amazon Course,#Best Amazon Course,#Amazon Coaching,#Free Amazon Course,#Amazon Seller Course,#Amazon FBA Course,#Ecommerce Course,#How To Sell On Amazon,#Ebay vs. Amazon,#Amazon Vs. eBay,#Amazon Seller Course Reviews,#How To Get Reviews,#Amazon Guru,#Amazon Teacher,#amazon course,#learn amazon,#amazon FBA,#learn to sell on amazon,#learn how to sell on amazon