Mentor As Your Superhero - Supercharge Your Entrepreneurial Growth w/ Mentors w/ Richard Matthews

Business Story Of The Week - Un pódcast de Shaahin Cheyene


A mentor is someone who has been where you are and can show the way forward. Mentors give advice on what it takes to become successful, advise about goals for professionals like yourself in different fields or careers that they have experience with; mentors look out for future leaders by providing guidance through difficult times when no one else seems available: being their cheerleader from time-to mentoring begins at home!  Listen as Shaahin discuss with Richard Matthews, host of The Hero Show podcast, his insights on how to find the perfect mentor and make the most out of them.  ___________________________________________________Richard Matthew's Links: Media Links Podcast, and More... About - Shaahin Cheyene -Hi, my name is Shaahin Cheyene and I help individuals and owners transform average sales into extraordinary income using my predictable sales system that never fails. Whether you have zero online sales, want to start on Amazon, or have products that just need a push, I can show you how to do it. If you're interested in getting more sales with predictability, watch my FREE CASE STUDY Now! ___________________________________________________If you enjoyed what you saw, leave me a comment.If you found the video valuable, give it a like. If you want to see more - subscribe to the channel! ___________________________________________________#amazonexpert  #amazonfba #OnlineBusinessSuccessStory #hackandgrowrich

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