Write the Next Chapter of Your Saint Story
Happy, Holy Mama - Un pódcast de Emily Brown - Lunes

I think a lot of us choose a Lenten sacrifice hoping that giving up that thing for six weeks will turn into a permanent character change. And sometimes it does! But that honestly only happens if you’re not white knuckling through Lent, waiting for Easter so you can have that thing you gave up again. You know what I mean. Counting down the days, hemming and hawing about whether you should wait until Easter Sunday or if sun down on Holy Saturday counts. When I was thinking about what I wanted to sacrifice this year, I thought about the deep internal changes that I always desire to make during Lent, but rarely ever intentionally work on, because what I have chosen in the past was fairly superficial. This year I wanted to choose something to begin now with intentional focus, but without an end date. So I’ve been asking myself, what is something that I hold dear and have a hard time letting go of? When I think about it, I hold a lot of things dear! Like my children, my sleep, my privacy, my marriage, my rest, a tidy house, my quiet time in the morning. None of these things felt like I was being asked to give them up though…so I continued to go deeper. In the past I had been drawing to giving up sugar, cream in my coffee or social media. While those are worthwhile things to give up if they are vices, and crutches, or distractions from the work God is asking you to do. But again they are actually fairly superficial. That’s when I came to the real question: what is UNDER, or behind the vices? Identity beliefs. Grab your earbuds and join me for today's episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast where I dive into the #1 Identity Belief that needs healing this Lent and how you can bring your kids along the healing journey with you. JOIN BELOVED LENT STUDY HERE!