St. Patrick's Day Mind-Blowing Tribute #500

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast - Un pódcast de Marc Gunn - Jueves

Enjoy a mind-blowing St Patrick’s Day Tribute as we celebrate the 500th episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The Tannahill Weavers, Poitin, The Selkie Girls, Doolin', Brad Reid, Jesse Ferguson, Seasons, Flook, Tuatha de Danann, A Shamrock in Kudzu, Colleen Raney, Dun Aengus, The Gatehouse Well, Brigid's Crossing, Andrew D. Huber, 3 Pints Gone, The Flying Toads, Avourneen, Emma Langford, THE DIVINERS, Deirdre Graham, BassPipes, Beth Patterson, Caliceltic Ed Miller, Cady Finlayson, Kinnfolk, The Rowan Tree, Clover's Revenge, Jim Sharkey, Crépuscule, Dublin Abbey, Emerald Accent, Matt & Shannon Heaton, Lissa-Kathe, Claire Roche, Trip McCool, Kellswater Bridge, Old Man Flanagan's Ghost, Medusa's Wake, Lilt, Roads to Home, Skeleton McKee, Katherine Nagy, Stephanie Claussen Dave Howard Coons, Billy Treacy & the Scope, Conleth Kane, Reilly, Tiffany Schaefer, Dylan Walshe, The Wild Irish Roses, The Muckers, Triskele, Poor Man's Gambit, The ipaddies, Eamonn Flynn, Seldom Sober, Heavy Blarney, Kyle Gryphon, Poisoned Dwarf, John McLean Allan/Stand Easy, Marc Gunn, Sam Gillogly I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show on social or with a friend. The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, buy the albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow the artists on streaming, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Every week, you can get Celtic music news in your inbox. The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2021 episode.  Vote Now! THIS WEEK IN CELTIC MUSIC 0:00:06 - The Tannahill Weavers "Gordon Duncan Set" from Òrach (The Golden Anniversary) 0:00:29 - Gordon Duncan Set 0:05:08 - WELCOME 0:07:39 - Poitin 0:08:16 - Poitin "Brendan's Reels" from Simple Pleasures 0:12:17 - The Selkie Girls 0:12:53 - The Selkie Girls "Braighe Loch Lall" from Running With the Morrigan 0:16:14 - Doolin’ 0:16:35 - Doolin' "Sailing Across the Ocean" from Doolin' 0:19:23 - Brad Reid 0:19:32 - Brad Reid "The Lame Duck" from The Conundrum 0:22:49 - Jesse Ferguson 0:23:04 - Jesse Ferguson "Lady Franklin's Lament" from Sailor Songs 0:26:53 - Seasons 0:27:27 - Seasons "Cambridge Town" from Seasons 0:30:44 - Flook Sarah 0:30:55 - Flook "Reel for Rubik / Toward the Sun" from Ancora 0:31:13 - Reel for Rubik / Toward the Sun 0:36:14 - Tuatha de Dannan 0:36:29 - Tuatha de Danann "Guns and Pikes" from In Nomine Éireann 0:40:00 - A Shamrock in Kudzu 0:40:25 - A Shamrock in Kudzu "3 The  Humors of Tully Grine" from Foggy Morning 0:42:39 - Colleen Raney 0:42:53 - Colleen Raney "Stand Up for Love" from Here This Is Home 0:46:29 - FEEDBACK 0:47:58 - Harper Denhard Feedback 0:48:14 - Three Pints and a Glass Feedback 0:48:24 - Dun Aengus "Botany Bay" from Down By The Glenside 0:48:34 - Botany Bay 0:51:38 - The Gatehouse Well "Top of the World" from Bring You Ashore 0:51:55 - Top of the World 0:55:34 - Brigid's Crossing "High Cooley's Reel" from The Fall 0:56:15 - High Cooley's Reel 0:59:30 - Andrew D. Huber "Safe Passage Home"  from Safe Passage Home 0:59:50 - Safe Passage Home 1:03:05 - 3 Pints Gone "Donald McGillavry" from Live At The Shamrock Club 1:03:17 - Donald McGillavry 1:06:22 - The Flying Toads "The Flowing Tide?" from Warts 'n All 1:06:51 - The Flowing Tide 1:11:23 - Avourneen "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" from Sparrow 1:11:46 - The Wind that Shakes the Barley 1:14:14 - Emma Langford "Sailor's Wife" from Sowing Acorns 1:14:43 - Sailor's Wife 1:17:39 - THE DIVINERS "Daychovo Horo" from earshot (EP) 1:18:11 - Daychovo Horo 1:20:53 - Deirdre Graham "Air Fàir an Là" from URRANTA 1:21:04 - Air Fàir an Là 1:24:18 - BassPipes "Roots & Reeds" from Single 1:24:50 - Roots & Reeds 1:30:19 - Beth Patterson "Before the Blaze" from Firebrand 1:30:34 - Before the Blaze 1:34:46 - Caliceltic "The Foxes" from Some Kinda EP or Sumthin' 1:35:19 - The Foxes 1:37:27 - CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS 1:37:48 - Ed Miller "The Wark O' the Weavers" from Come Awa' Wi' Me 1:37:53 - The Wark O' the Weavers 1:41:32 - Cady Finlayson "The Earl of Dalhousie's Happy Return to Scotland" from Celtic Purple 1:41:53 - The Earl of Dalhousie's Happy Return to Scotland 1:43:13 - Kinnfolk "Right All Right" from Kinnfolk 1:43:39 - Right All Right 1:46:27 - The Rowan Tree "SS Carthage" from Kolar's Gold 1:46:38 - SS Carthage 1:52:46 - Clover's Revenge "Big Strong Man" from Truants And Absolution 1:53:18 - Big Strong Man 1:55:19 - Jim Sharkey "Mother Jones" from A Lovely Day 1:55:37 - Mother Jones 2:01:19 - Crépuscule "Donald Morrison Set" from Hap and Rowe 2:01:41 - Donald Morrison Set 2:06:13 - Dublin Abbey "Bodhran Man" from Single 2:06:21 - Bodhran Man 2:08:46 - Emerald Accent "June Apple / Blackberry Blossom" from The Oats Field 2:09:20 - June Apple / Blackberry Blossom 2:13:02 - Matt & Shannon Heaton "Where The Moorcocks Crow" from Lovers' Well 2:13:30 - Where The Moorcocks Crow 2:17:36 - Lissa - Kathe  "The Sprite" from Calanais 2:18:05 - The Sprite 2:20:55 - THANKS 2:21:29 - Claire Roche "Dedication" from From Then Until the Here and Now 2:21:44 - Dedication 2:26:36 - Trip McCool "The Selkie Girl" from Hang Me Out to Dry 2:27:14 - The Selkie Girl 2:31:39 - Kellswater Bridge "Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch" from The Proof is in the Pudding 2:31:52 - Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch 2:35:59 - Old Man Flanagan's Ghost "On Yonder Bay" from Far From Shore 2:36:16 - On Yonder Bay 2:38:39 - Medusa's Wake "Lawlor's Lament" from Rascals and Rogues 2:39:05 - Lawlor's Lament 2:42:36 - Lilt "The Price of My Pig / The Coming of Spring / Paddy Fahy's" from X 2:43:13 - The Price of My Pig / The Coming of Spring / Paddy Fahy's 2:46:55 - Roads to Home "The Month of January" from Dark of the Moon 2:47:12 - The Month of January 2:52:00 - Skeleton McKee "When I'm up I Can't Get Down" from Edinburgh Underground 2:52:30 - When I'm up I Can't Get Down 2:56:00 - Katherine Nagy "Lay With Me" from Single 2:56:22 - Lay With Me 2:59:33 - Stephanie Claussen "Planxty Drew / Miss Noble" from The Road Home from Skye: Scottish and Irish Tunes 2:59:46 - Planxty Drew / Miss Noble 3:03:11 -GET MORE FREE MUSIC I hope you enjoyed last week’s 17 For St Patrick’s Day episode. All of the songs in that show will be available for free download for at least a couple years after this podcast goes live. It all happens this Sunday. So mark your calendar. Or just subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. And send an email to address in the episode for additional freebies. 3:03:33 - Dave Howard Coons "The Emigrant" from Sea Fever 3:03:43 - The Emigrant 3:06:39 - Billy Treacy & the Scope "The Market" from Single 3:06:52 - The Market 3:10:55 - Conleth Kane "Flourish" from Liberty 3:11:40 - Flourish 3:15:37 - Reilly "Paddy Works On the Railway" from Revelry & Regret 3:15:58 - Paddy Works On the Railway 3:19:33 - Tiffany Schaefer "To Drive the Cold Winter Away" from Tara's Halls 3:19:50 - To Drive the Cold Winter Away 3:25:47 - Dylan Walshe "Lady Lee" from All Manner of Ways 3:26:02 - Lady Lee 3:29:01 - The Wild Irish Roses "Jenny Nettles" from Full Bloom 3:29:24 - Jenny Nettles 3:31:47 - The Muckers "Maid of Amsterdam" from The Muckers 3:32:02 - Maid of Amsterdam 3:34:48 - Triskele "I'm a Lass" from The Collar City Uprising (Live) 3:35:35 - Im a Lass (Live) 3:37:35 - Poor Man's Gambit "Rocky Road to Dublin" from Land of Sunshine 3:37:42 - Rocky Road to Dublin 3:43:04 - VOTE IN CELTIC TOP 20 3:43:24 - The ipaddies "The Lonesome Boatman" from Playground 3:43:47 - The Lonesome Boatman 3:47:01 - Eamonn Flynn "Yeah You Right" from Black Coddle 3:47:17 - Yeah You Right 3:51:14 - Seldom Sober "Home Boys Home" from Six Months in Confession 3:51:27 - Home Boys Home 3:54:32 - Heavy Blarney "Heavy Roddy MacCorley" from From Bog To Swamp 3:54:53 - Heavy Roddy MacCorley 3:58:50 - Kyle Gryphon "Broken Down Sport" from Isolation 3:59:05 - Broken Down Sport 4:01:26 - Poisoned Dwarf "Cloudy Bay" from Bolt The Door 4:01:43 - Cloudy Bay 4:05:55 - John McLean Allan/Stand Easy "This Moment" from Stand Easy 4:06:10 - This Moment 4:11:06 - CLOSING 4:12:37 - Marc Gunn, Sam Gillogly "Brandywine River Reel" from Dancing With Hobbits 4:15:53 - ICMP CREDITS WELCOME TO CELTIC MUSIC * Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. Please support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at You can also support this podcast on Patreon. We have a bit of a different show today. I told my graphic designer, Miranda Nelson, that the St Patrick’s Day show would be the 500th episode of the podcast. She thought about it and came back and asked, “would you mind if I collected some audio feedback from some of the artists on the show.” I said,” sure! That sounds great!” I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect much of a response. But I remembered that she suggested this when I started compiling this 500th episode. She forwarded me some feedback via email. I looked through them and didn’t see any audio. “Oh well,” I thought. “Less than I expected, but that’s fine.” Then I noticed one band mentioned something about including audio in their email. But I never got that. So I emailed and asked Miranda where that audio was. Her response, “it’s in the folder you set up on Google Drive.” Oh yeah! I did do that, didn’t I? I opened up the folder and was floored to find over 60 recordings by Celtic bands wishing me a  happy 500th episode. Wow! Ye know a couple pieces are easy to pop into an episode. But I didn’t think about how to include ALL OF THESE pieces? So what should I do for this show? Instead of me introducing bands and songs, I’m gonna let the artists do it themselves. I will play their congratulations as a way of introducing their music. Course that means if you want to find out the name of the song or tune, you will need to visit the shownotes at or just check your podcatcher. Because each track has a time stamp so you can easily look it up. That said, I’ll have a few moments to break up the music and say hi. But for the most part this is just music and congratulations. I want to thank Miranda Nelson Designs for all of her hard work in making this happen. Miranda has a whole bunch of Celtic shirt designs you should check out at And I want to thank everyone who has supported this podcast over the past 16 years. And without further adieu, let’s meet the bands. THANK YOU PATRONS OF THE PODCAST! Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out every week. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. As a patron, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. You can pledge a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month over on Patreon. A super special thanks to our newest patrons: Paul Crowley, Cynthia R, Shawn B, Mark B You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticpodcast I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected] Anne Smith emailed a St Patrick's Day photo last year: "Dear Marc, Responding to your request for St. Patrick’s Day photos in the newsletter! My husband and I live in Deep East Texas, but on St. Patrick’s Day Eve, we had the rare and wonderful opportunity to see the Chieftains perform in the nearby town of Tyler, Texas! We wore our Celtic finery (photo attached) and enjoyed a splendid show. We also loved the opening act, an Irish/Americana/folk fusion group called Switchback. Thank you for all you do to promote Celtic music!" Steve Cahill sent a St Patrick's Day photo: "Having a great time holding onto a beautiful night St. Patrick’s Day 2019! Slainte!" Jan Czenkusch sent some St Patrick's Day photos from 2019: "After church we went to our son's soccer game.  Interestingly it was the green team (Celtic Cowboys) against the orange team (don't know their name)."

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