JUNG Talk - Un pódcast de JUNG - Viernes

“Today, architecture is tasked with doing more and more than in the past. More than ever before, architecture and design are necessary if we are to propose real alternatives for the global challenges we face. Gone are the days of the lone hero, or architect as artist, or a one-dimensional professional. Those involved in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism must understand and respond to complex issues and ever-increasing challenges.” These words come from Martha Thorne, who has spent many years of her professional career organising, awarding and judging architectural prizes, and who remains fascinated by the awards, their mission, how they work and their impact. From 2005 to 2021, she was the Executive Director of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, also known as the "Nobel Prize for Architecture", and is currently Senior Advisor to the Henrik F. Obel Foundation, which presents the OBEL AWARD. In today's podcast, we talk to Martha Thorne about what is special about this award and where we still need to rethink.