Toddler tantrums and toilet training - KICBUMP with Dr Golly
KICPOD - Un pódcast de LiSTNR

If you’ve listened to previous KICBUMP episodes, you will have heard Steph talk about her amazing paediatrician Dr Golly and his wonderful sleep programs for babies. This time instead of talking about him, she’s talking to him! Dr Golly has just released a new Toddler Toolkit program, designed to help parents feel less overwhelmed and better equipped to deal with the challenges that come with parenting a toddler. In today’s episode he answers all of the very common questions around toddler behaviour, and gives some awesome tips and tricks to better handle certain situations that arise for every parent. If you’d like to check out any of Dr Golly’s programs you can do so at, and use the code KIC20 to get $20 off.See for privacy information.