#08: Sideen u kobcinaa maskaxda caruurteena? How can we encourage our children's brain development?

Ladnaan Podcast - Un pódcast de Fatumo & Sagal


Nala wadaag aragtidaada xalqadaan, mahadsanid!The first three years of a child’s life are critical for learning and development. As parents, we can develop our children's brain in different ways. For the coming two episodes, we will share with you how we can do that.Sedexda sanadood ee ugu horeysa nolosha caruurta waa xilli aad u muhiim ah kobacooda maskaxda iyo ineey waxbartaan. Waalidku wuxuu u kobcin karaa maskaxda ilmiisa dhowr siyood. Waxaan labada qeybood ee soo socda idinla wadaagi doo...

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