Trump Orders 10,000 American Soldiers to the Border with Mexico | English for IELTS and TOEFL
American English With Brent - Un pódcast de Brent

If you like learning about the current news and improving your English for your next English conversation, this English lesson is for you. While watching a news clip about President Donald Trump sending 2500 troops and possibly a total of 10,000 tot the Mexican border, you will learn English phrasal verbs, English idioms,, and other advanced English vocabulary that can really stump English learners. 💙 OVER 100 BONUS ENGLISH LESSONS? Become a channel member. 📰 Get 15% off GROUND NEWS 🇹🇷 🇸🇪 👨🏼🦱 Want a Hair Transplant? Check out Get 10% off a hair transplant Code Brent10 🎥 The Camera I Use for Outdoor Lessons: 📹 The Other Camera I Use: 📘 The Book I'm Currently Reading: *As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn money if you click. Trump Border With Mexico 🇲🇽 1. Border: The line that separates two countries. • : The United States shares a border with Mexico. 2. Cracking down: Taking strong action to stop unwanted activities. • : The government is cracking down on illegal immigration. 3. Immigration: The process of moving to a new country to live there permanently. • : Many people choose immigration to seek better opportunities. 4. The Pentagon: The headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. • : The Pentagon announced the deployment of troops to the border. 5. Detainees: People who are held in custody, especially for legal reasons. • : The detainees were waiting for their immigration hearings. 6. End up on: To finally be in a particular place or situation. • : After a long journey, they ended up on the streets of a new city. 7. Executive Order: An official directive from the President that has the power of law. • : The President signed an executive order to increase border security. 8. Supplement: To add something to improve or complete it. • : The teacher provided extra materials to supplement the lesson. 9. Dispatching: Sending someone or something to a specific place for a purpose. • : The company is dispatching technicians to fix the issue. 10. A Contingent: A group of people united by a common feature, forming part of a larger group. • : A contingent of soldiers was sent to assist in the operation. 11. Migrants: People who move from one place to another, especially to find work or better living conditions. • : Migrants often face challenges when settling in a new country. 12. Deportation: The act of sending someone back to their native country, usually for legal reasons. • : The government ordered the deportation of individuals without proper visas. 13. Internal Memo: A message sent within an organization to share information. • : The manager sent an internal memo about the new policy changes. 14. Gross Miscarriage: A serious and unfair mistake or failure. • : The wrongful conviction was a gross miscarriage of justice. 15. Asylum: Protection granted by a country to someone who has fled their home country as a political refugee. • : The family sought asylum to escape persecution in their homeland. 16. Title 42: A U.S. health law used to prevent the spread of diseases, recently applied to control immigration. • : Under Title 42, migrants were quickly expelled to prevent COVID-19 spread. 17. Press Secretary: A person who communicates official information to the media on behalf of an organization or government. • : The press secretary addressed questions during the news conference. 18. Justice Department: The U.S. federal department responsible for making sure laws are followed. • : The Justice Department announced new measures against corruption.