Episode 74 - Giving and receiving expressions (te form + agemasu / kuremasu / moraimasu)
Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - Un pódcast de Masa Sensei
- Check my video for more details! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8bK9zF97bY&t=777s ========================================================== 「あげます」 is the Japanese word for "to give" seen from the speaker's point of view. You must use this verb when you are giving something or doing something for someone else. 私は友達にプレゼントをあげます。 - I gave present to friend. 車を買ってあげます。 - I'll give you the favor of buying a car. 私は友達にいいことを教えてあげました。 - I taught something good to my friend. (looking at it from the my point of view) 「くれます」 is also a verb meaning "to give" but unlike 「あげます」, it is from the receiver's point of view. You must use this verb when someone else is giving something or doing something for you (effectively the opposite of 「あげます」). 友達は私にプレゼントをくれました。 - Friend gave present to me. 車を買ってくれますか? - You'll give me the favor of buying a car for me? 友達は私にいいことを教えてくれました。 - Friend gave favor of teaching something good to me. (looking at it from the friend's point of view) 「もらいます」 meaning, "to receive" has only one version unlike 「あげます/くれます」 so there's very little to explain. One thing to point out is that since you receive from someone, 「から」 is also appropriate in addition to the 「に」 target particle. 私は友達にプレゼントをもらいます。 - I will receive a present from my friend. これは友達に買ってもらいました。 - About this, received the favor of buying it from friend. 宿題をチェックしてもらいたかったけど、時間がなくて無理だった。 - I wanted to receive the favor of checking homework but there was no time and it was impossible. =============================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me? ===============================================