S3E9: "An eventful walk to the park" Same sounds different meanings in Greek
Let's Talk Greek - Un pódcast de Greek Language Experts - Jueves

In today's episode you will learn various words that sound the same but have a different a meaning and spelling in Greek! Emily and Danae will first engage in a conversation talking about a small accident at a walk to the park and will analyse the spelling and meaning of these words. E: Καλά! Δεν θα πιστέψεις τι έγινε το Σάββατο. / Well! You won’t believe what happened on Saturday. D: Τι έγινε; / What happened? E: Πήγα την ανιψιά μου στις κούνιες και μου βγήκε πάλι ο ώμος. / I took my niece to the swings and my shoulder popped out again. D: Πώς έγινε αυτό; / How did that happen? E: Ούτε που κατάλαβα! Την έκανα κούνια και σε μια στιγμή ίσως έβαλα περισσότερη δύναμη και βγήκε ο ώμος μου. / I didn’t even realize! I was pushing her on the swing, and at one point, maybe I applied too much force and my shoulder dislocated. D: Πόνεσε πολύ; / Did it hurt a lot? E: Ό,τι και να πω είναι λίγο! / Whatever I say is an understatement! D: Το φαντάζομαι. Η ανιψιά σου τι έκανε; / I can imagine. What did your niece do? E: Τρόμαξε η καημένη! Προσπάθησε να με βοηθήσει, μου έλεγε: “έλα θεία, σήκω σήκω!” και ότι θα μου φτιάξει φρουτοσαλάτα με καρπούζι, σύκο και πεπόνι για να με παρηγορήσει! / The poor thing got scared! She tried to help me, saying, “Come on aunt, get up, get up!” and that she would make me a fruit salad with watermelon, fig, and melon to cheer me up! D: Μα τι γλυκό παιδί! Τελικά πώς σηκώθηκες; / What a sweet kid! How did you finally get up? E: Ευτυχώς, ήταν και ο αδερφός μου μαζί, που είναι δύο μέτρα και με βοήθησε. / Luckily, my brother was there, he's two meters tall, and he helped me. D: Τώρα όμως πονάς; / Are you still in pain now? E: Πέρασε ο πολύς ο πόνος αλλά θα το κρατήσω δεμένο για μία εβδομάδα ακόμα. / The worst of the pain is gone, but I’ll keep it wrapped for another week. D: Περαστικά σου! / Get well soon! Ε: Σ’ευχαριστώ! / Thank you! Check out our Instagram @greek_lang_experts or visit our website for our upcoming Greek classes! If you enjoyed this episode please rate our podcast and leave a comment!