LH148 — The Influencers in my Life
Life Habits - Un pódcast de Karel Vredenburg & Paige Heron

In this episode, Karel reflects on the two people who have had the greatest influence in his life. These aren't your typical current social media influencers. They're instead people who provided him insights, lessons, and habits for everyday life. The first is the late Stephen R. Covey and second is Gerritdina Leida Vredenburg, Karel’s late mother. He recorded a tribute episode after each of these influencers in his life passed away. Covey published a book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" in 1989. Karel read it that same year and it changed his life. In fact, that book also inspired the creation of this podcast series 16 1/2 years ago. Karel’s late mother was and still is the most influential person in his life sharing her wisdom, creativity, and iconoclastic perspective on life. Karel reprises edited versions of the two previous episodes that detailed the key lessons each of these influencers taught him and we hope that you too will find them inspirational.