Prayer of Dhanvantari chanted by Jana and an ayurveda training group
Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants - Un pódcast de Sukadev Bretz - Viernes
Janavallabha Das Wloka and an Ayurveda training group sing the Dhanvantari prayer. To sing along, you can find the text in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook under the number 611 or here: Shankham Chakram Jalaukam Dadhad-Anrita-Ghatam Charu-dorbhish Chaturbhih Sukshma-svachchhati-hridyam\'shuka-parivilasan-maulim Ambho-ja-netram / Kalambhodojjvalangam Kati-tata-vilasach\'-charu-pitambaradhyam Vande Dhanvantarim Tam Nikhila-gada-vana\'-praudha-davagni-lilam // The Dhanvantari prayer is also a Dhanvantari Dhyana Shloka, so it is one of the meditation shlokas that you can repeat before meditation. A spiritual translation may be: \"Oh Dhanvantari, the patron god of Ayurveda, we adore you, you have brought all wonderful remedies to humanity, help us regain our health, help us to bring others health.\" This podcast is a live ecording from Yoga Vidya Germany. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course, seminars or workshops.