Shivaya Parameshwaraya chanted by Satyadevi and Saradevi
Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants - Un pódcast de Sukadev Bretz - Viernes
Satyadevi and Saradevi are singing the Kirtan Shivaya Parameshwaraya - a Shiva Kirtan - which touches the heart in its depth and makes the presence of the divine tangible. With Shivaya Parameshwaraya the divine is invoked as Shiva, as kindness, love and happiness in its different aspects. Here is the text to sing along to: Shivaya Parameshvaraya Chandrashekharaya Nama Om Bhavaya Gunasambhavaya Shiva Tandavaya Nama Om You can find further explanations about this mantra in German on the pages of our Online-Kirtanheft-Blog. You are interested in seminars with Satyadevi or seminars with Saradevi? - then you will find it in our seminar overview. There are many english yoga seminars every year in the different ashrams of Yoga Vidya. You can find them all by clicking here. You can get to other mantra's here.