303: The 80% Rule In Ear Training
Musicality Now - Un pódcast de Musical U

Have you ever slogged away at an ear training exercise day after day and found your improvement lessening and lessening, progress just getting slower and slower? It's not unusual. And it can be maddening when you're trying to ace a quiz or you're trying to make your skills rock solid, but you just can't seem to hit that 100% mark. Today, I want to share with you a simple rule that is a highly effective antidote to this common frustration. Subscribe For Future Episodes! Apple Podcasts | Android | Stitcher | RSS | YouTube Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicalitynow.com/303 Links and Resources • Musicality Now: Rhythm and Soul, with Lorin Cohen • Musicality Now: The 3 Pillars Of Improv, with Lorin Cohen • The Musicality Book Enjoying the show? Please consider rating and reviewing it! Click here to rate and review