#453 How to deconstruct your narratives of unworthiness. (Personal development wisdom snippets)
Personal Development Mastery - Un p贸dcast de Agi Keramidas

Snippet of wisdom 63.In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.Today's snippet is from my conversation with Colin Kingsmill, who went from being a Swiss banker to donating everything to becoming a coach.It is about how to deconstruct our narratives of unworthiness - "not good enough".藲饾棭饾棓饾棢饾棬饾棓饾棔饾棢饾棙 饾棩饾棙饾棪饾棦饾棬饾棩饾棖饾棙:Listen to the full conversation with Colin Kingsmill in episode #334:https://bit.ly/pdm_334藲Want to be a guest on Personal Development...