#455 Look at money not as a transaction, but as an energetic force. (Personal development wisdom snippets)
Personal Development Mastery - Un p贸dcast de Agi Keramidas

Snippet of wisdom 64.In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.Today's snippet is from my conversation with Amanda Kate, a kinesiologist and author.It is about recognising everything as energy and viewing monetary transactions as contributions that enhance our abundance and our vibrational frequency.I believe you will find it insightful. And if you do, join our free community Mastery Seekers Tribe to go deeper!藲饾棭饾棓饾棢饾棬饾棓饾棔饾棢饾棙 饾棩饾棙饾棪饾棦饾棬饾棩饾棖饾棙:Liste...